My research topics since 1999 have focused on model selection, multi-state models, survival analysis, multiple testing problems, and dimension reduction methods applied to a combination of clinical, health and biological data mainly from epidemiological studies. All of these have a large degree of relevance to my recent interest (from 2011) in the analysis of ``Omics’’ data and to research on advanced methods for analysis of high-dimensional data.
Since my new position as Professor at Universit'e de Pau et Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), I am an active member of the LMAP (Laboratory of Mathematics and Their Applications-UMR CNR 5142) and a member of MIRA (``Milieux et resources aquatiques’’). The research federation (MIRA) aims to promote collaborative links between research teams from different institutions (UPPA, CNRS, INRA, IFREMER) sharing common interests on aquatic environments and their resources. In the following, I list some collaborative projects related to the LMAP and/or MIRA:
Funded by UPPA as a BQR (Bonus Qualité Recherche) EOLE aims to introduce particularly innovative action that involves the synthesis of knowledge and analysis of metadata on the environment and fishery resources of the ``Golf de Gascogne’’. Co-supervision with Noelle Bru (LMAP), Gilles Morandeau and Nathalie Caill-Milly (Ifremer) of a research internship student (6 months).
##2016-2021. ``MICROPOLIT’’ project
This projet supported by all teams from MIRA aims to revisit the concept of quality of the coastal environment in a multi-disciplinary approach and spatio-temporal to construct indicators, allowing managers a more global view, more ecosystem and thereby foster a more meaningful management. It aims to assess the past and current quality of the environment, but also to predict future changes and to propose possible remedies measures. I am involved in several actions of this project and the coordinator of one action (`` Modelisation and Simulation’’)
ASMAH: Advanced Statistical Methods for the analysis of High-dimensional data aims to boost and enhance the current toolkit for integrative analysis of massive datasets, especially for longitudinal design. Using high resolution/ high quality real data this project will generate innovative methodologies that overcome the big data challenge in a real-life context and thus help the full exploration of existing and yet under exploited data.
Principal Investigator of project entitled Cross Cancer Genomic Investigation of Pathway analysis and GxE interactions: application to breath and thyroid cancers which has been submitted to the 2017 call for proposals from ``Plan Cancer 2014-2019’’ (INSERM). This project involves 3 teams: Inserm U1018 (Epidemiology of cancers: genes and environment), LMAP and Imperial College London (Department of Mathematics). The MRC Biostatistics Unit in Cambridge is also a partner of this project. I will be responsible of the team 2 for the development of statistical methods on polygenic effects, on multivariate approach and selection methods.
Investigating molecular mechanisms involved in smoking-induced lung cancer. This project granted by the Cancer Research UK calls will extend novel mathematical modelling approaches to integrate exposure history, genetic variants, and identify the pathological stage(s) at which they exert their effects, and if/when they contribute to the dynamics of disease progression. Our international project involves partners from Europe (UK, The Netherlands, France) and from the USA. In this project I am in charge, in collaboration with Marc Chadeau (Leader of the project from Imperial College,) of the statistical developments of two aims of the project including the implementation of multi-state models and in the development of computationally optimised methods to handle high-dimensional data.}