sgPLS Maintainer of the R package on Sparse Group Partial Least Square regression models. (with Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux)
CEoptim Maintainer of the R package on cross-entropy method for optimization problem (with Tim Benham, Qibin Duan and Dirk P. Kroesse).
mixOmics Contributor of the R package on statistical integrative techniques to analyse highly dimensional data sets (with Sebastien Dejean, Ignacio Gonzalez and Kim-Anh Le Cao).
ClustOfVar Developer of the R package on cluster analysis of a set of variables. Variables can be quantitative, qualitative or a mixture of both (with Marie Chavent, Vanessa Kuentz and J'erome Saracco).
PCAmixdata Contributor of the R package} on multivariate analysis of mixed data (with Marie Chavent, Vanessa Kuentz, Amaury Labenne and J'erome Saracco).
lcmm Developper of the R package on estimation of various latent class mixed models and joint latent class mixed models, available on CRAN (with Cécile Proust-Lima).
edrGraphicalTools Maintainer of the R package} which provides tools for dimension reduction methods (with Jérome Saracco and Raphael Coudret).
ConvergenceConcepts Developer of the R package to check and visualize convergence of a sequence of random variables in law, in probability, in r-th mean and almost surely (with Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux).
PIGE Maintainer of the R package on Pathway Interaction Gene Environment which is an extension on the ARTP method (with Th'er`ese Truong).
R2GUESS Maintainer of the R package on Bayesian variable selection regression of multiple correlated phenotypes (with Marc Chadeau-Hyam, Gianlucca Campanella and Sylvia Richardson).
CPMCGLM Contributor of the R package on the correction of the pvalue after multiple coding in generalized linear model (with J'eremie Riou).
rPowerSampleSize Contributor of the R package} on the sample size determination with multiple correlated endpoints (with J'eremie Riou and Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux).